The prologue to St. John’s gospel introduces God’s Son as the Word. This life-giving Word—spoken down through the ages—became flesh and lived in our midst. For all of Christian history, the Word is intimately connected with all of human life. It is the purpose of TWIL (“The Word Is Life”) to bring the gospel to life and to bring life to the gospel. This blog will feature reflections on the Sunday Scriptures from contemporary Catholic writers, words of wisdom for our Spiritual journey from saints and blessed, and thoughtful reflections on masterpieces of sacred art. We at Living with Christ hope that they will help you grow in your spiritual life and deepen your relationship with the Word, our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Annunciation

Categories: The Word Is Life

Unannounced, an angel appears, bearing a special message. In everyday language: “Mary, there is something special for you to do. God hopes you will say yes. God knows you are ready for it.” There was a short conversation before the answer could be spoken; a point of confusion and concern was addressed. Lucky for us, her answer was “Yes.”

Because of that yes, the event is honored as a feast day of the highest importance in our Catholic Church. It is a liturgical commemoration of a fundamental event in salvation history. Mary’s “yes” is foundational to our very lives as followers of Christ.

Unsure, Mary somehow had the wisdom and the strength to speak that “yes” aloud. This very young woman saw this invitation as holy. She knew it was of God. She knew to Whom she was voicing her “yes.”

That solid sense of “knowing” is what allowed her to live with trust. Life quickly became even more uncertain, and it was often that way. A mysterious pregnancy. A son who went missing, was discovered in the Temple, and who offered a complex and confusing answer to her motherly worries.

That deep “inner knowing” gave Mary the confidence to ask Jesus to perform his first miracle. It fostered the strength that made it possible for her to stand at the foot of the cross. It gave her the grace-filled wisdom to continue with the apostles.

While life would have offered times of delight and joy, Mary’s journey also offered some excruciatingly pain-filled times. How was she able to remain faithful? Perhaps a good part of the answer is found in Mary’s ability to ponder. While we cannot possibly and fully understand everything, that small and simple word is quietly offered to us. Pondering things in one’s heart is so vastly different from worrying.

When we worry, we are in our head. We work out all the possibilities; we consider all the things that could go wrong. We measure out the probability of disaster and can be quite devastated at the very thought of everything that could go wrong. While care and attention can keep us safe, worry invites darkness, doubt, despair, and dread to take up residence.

Pondering is different.

It takes us into our hearts.

It invites us into a deeper way of knowing.

There was another gift offered in that most unusual encounter: the information that Mary’s cousin Elizabeth was expecting a baby. Old and long considered barren, Elizabeth becoming pregnant was a solid sign that something mysterious and grace-filled was happening.

When Mary learned of that good news, she was reminded that “nothing will be impossible with God.” With that assurance, Mary gave her “yes.”

Brenda Merk Hildebrand


Brenda Merk Hildebrand has a deep passion for lifelong learning, education, and spiritual and palliative care. She appreciates the opportunities that have come her way to share life’s transforming journey with others: one-with-one, through intentional group settings, in animating workshops and retreats, and by way of her writing. Brenda is a long-time contributor to Living with Christ in Canada.

Author: Living with Christ

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